Peace is priceless. Peace of mind can't be bought, it is hard for it to enter into even the most welcoming of hearts. But if there is one thing I strive, long and wish for every one in this world, it is PEACE.......
Peace of mind.
Peace within the Soul.
And Peace from one heart to the next.
~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan
Being a peace maker is easy and natural for Souls who choose and strive for Peace.
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
~ Buddha
I had posted this link and shared this message earlier on my facebook page,
My Comment: "Well, If there was someway you could put a 1000 crystal balls to work and magically uncover their ambitions and intentions, I guess you'd be shocked and petrified to say the least. Things like the Anti Satellite missile program, simulations of actual wars with neighbors and the rest of it....all while maintaining superficial paper treaties for trade, profit and temporary illusions of peace. All I can say is, Apprehensions should give way to reality checks and better preparedness, as bad as it may sound it is never too late or unreasonable to respect a possibility especially when it begins to thicken the waves that it looms in....." ~ ~Jai Krishna Ponnappan
I feel sorry...... it disturbed and troubled me to read the title of this article here on the Dailymail,
“There is no way to peace, peace is the way.”
~ A. J. Muste

Well, Dear Can you read my mind ? jk ;)
From deep within my heart I strongly believe that it is only in our best interest to confront, respect and embrace the Truth ..... especially when it is about all the realities that we live in. Visions and insights are most useful, effective and powerful only when they are at their precise, intuitive, intelligent and longest best :)
Here is a comment and a sincere appeal to you, the reader's higher nature in response to the above article,
So, really....Can you read my mind ?
I hope so.....Just dig into the Disadvantageous Policies, Strategic imbalance, massive Financial shifts and an unbiased summary and a consolidated view of the last 150 years of human history and world affairs. A lot has radically changed in that time, and change isn't the concern but sustainability definitely is. Apart from their increasing prominence and growth nothing has drastically changed with China, they only keep building layer upon layer, year after year. Sometimes you can't help but admire and perhaps even desire to incorporate such accelerated levels of growth and all the other industrious attributes, but a Mismatch of values, ideologies and ambitions is sadly a bit tricky to deal with. Keep in mind all of this fuels a large military, a growing arsenal and an increasingly head heavy and domineering regime.
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr

Americans need to strive and prioritize retaining this country's status as a strong politically and economically stable, growing and robust super power. Education, healthcare, empowering the masses, nation building and a culture of growth should never be assumed or taken for granted, maintaining the position of a world leader is twice as hard as getting there . Rust clad broken bridges, debt ceiling dilemmas and cities like Detroit are a painful reminder of how this country has stopped producing the same levels of skilled and economically productive men and women (across all classes including the elite) that once paved the way forward a generation or two ago. Such things should never have to be irrationally dismissed or suffer this level of unjust and deplorable neglect.
Please be more selfless and pay more attention and help ease local economies and homegrown industries into a steady period of growth and economic self sufficiency by cycling back on several fronts to the people who work to make these accomplishments a reality. Slow Recovery is understandable and acceptable but never forfeit a position of advantage that may be hard to come by again. Financial institutions and Industries such as banking need a massive but necessary overhaul that will make them more accountable, regulated and answerable. If that pill is too hard to swallow, remember that they serve as the backbone for the rest of the economy.
Once leaders and politicians get elected they must brush aside their paralyzing differences and make their commitment to America their highest objective and goal.
Super Powers that don't align in their values or cooperate rarely coexist. Where ever and what ever the cause may be, Wars are a curse that makes life in this world miserable, violent and painful. We should always do our best to explore all possibilities for peace, for peaceful coexistence, balance, trust and sensible conflict resolution. We should as a collective always try our best to avoid resorting to bloodshed, war and violence especially when we have the option of being less sinful and belligerent towards each other well within the reach of our tamable hands.
May God, Humanity and our higher natures forbid such a dark and gloomy prospect from depriving us of a more civilized, evolving and peaceful future.May God Bless America and keep this nation true to the blessing that it has been for Humanity, Hope, Liberty and Freedom and the millions who trust and embrace it.
Wishing All of Humanity Love, Peace, Prosperity, Hope and Coexistence,
Prayers, Heartfelt Love & Regards,
Jai Krishna Ponnappan