"Espero que te guste el
( It's some stuff about
Life, camels, nuns, priests, deserts and coitus)
To be very honest and frank,
here's how I really feel,
Hey Rosa, Reminds me of the
hundreds of occasions I've been flashed by girls in public, some of my friends
say I'm horribly lucky, I think there is something horribly imbalanced and
dysfunctional between the sexes here. "Welcome to LIFE", I guess.....
A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ~ Max Muller
Just a little trivia and a not
so sexual joke from my end,
For Your Kind Information:
Probably you might have noticed my name is "Jai Krishna". In India
they have always for millenniums had this complex system of ideas revolving
around class, selective breeding, genetics and caste. Among the Warriors and
Royal sects within Indian society, they have a very old hymn or ancient tenet
that goes something like this-> " A distracted man is a dead man",
followed by " When you engage in this battle called Life you do so
fiercely and devotedly with all your Heart and all your Soul regardless of whether
your limbs fail or they get slayed apart, you carry on fighting the good fight
as long as your head is in its place.”
The union of a man and a woman, both physical and spiritual is brought
to life and revered as something powerfully sacred. Some of the marriage rituals
and ceremonies are just as complex, unnervingly real and spiritually engaging.
These type of men and women share in a very strong bond that is emotional,
spiritual and at the same time full of prescribed worldly duties, commitments,
good faith and vows such as fidelity.

Let me give you two examples:
Consider a man, regardless of what ever stage or circumstances he may be in
within his life, if he can't control his senses, his mind, his thoughts, his
actions, his behavior, he will eventually find himself in a personal struggle to harness,
cope with or even try and discipline his character. Then given this circumstance such a person may lust after things
in life, like the numerous men you perhaps see on a daily basis who gawk at a
Woman's body. Can you imagine how easy it is to control and manipulate and
enslave such a lustful person filled with such desires. You can smell desire
with a pure heart from thousands of miles away especially when it is the
lustful urge for things such as money, power and pleasure. On a spiritual level
it is a very dehumanizing and disempowering thing that brings a man down to the
level of the very base within nature and makes him more or less comparable to a
brute, a beast or any other animal. Lust distracts, then it disarms a Soul and
then it binds and consumes it. What difference does it make whether a chain is
made of gold or iron? It simply ties one down and enslaves.
Another example is that of a King
who hires weak minded and senseless soldiers. So when the enemies in the form
of sensual objects, passions and pleasures attacks the body in the form of the
palace they can distract the weakened and unguarded senses in the form of the
lustful soldiers and enter, infiltrate and take out the Soul, that is the
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
~Thomas Carlyle
On a personal note I have
rarely seen men in my caste and community or myself get remotely carried away
or distracted or even perceive or look at women this way. The test is often a
hopeless and miserable failure for cupid and his arrows; he has no choice but
to give up even if it is in the dead pan heat of a desert. The idea is to find
your partner or Soul mate, evolve in a reasonable, intelligent, purifying,
fruitful and meaningful relationship and grow and cement that trust through
vows of fidelity, sacred union and marriage. This is what I understand by
Mankind, He or She who is capable and blessed with the ability to create and
control His/Her destiny. I also understand the lesser-Kind of men and women,
who are distracted, controlled and regulated by circumstances and the seasons
and in turn at times are more or less dominated, harnessed and helped or herded
by those who are a step closer to their higher Human Natures.
P.S ~ Unfortunately things
such as bestiality and other unnatural, oppressive and exploitative sexual acts
such as pedophilia and incest are not fictional subjects that belong just to
jokes and pornography, it is very real, disgraceful, disturbing, violating and
damaging to its victims and the rest of us who live in its presence.
It is strange how the only little skeletal forms of regulative principles,
civility and humanity that remain here in the West are being attacked and
eroded exposing children and the rest of the young and maturing to mindlessness
and vicious circumstances and ideologies that promote their degradation and
increase the likelihood of their abuse and victimization in one form or the
other. Good Luck, I pity the poor Souls,
their lack of a Humane rather than a superficially Human family. May they find some
hope in their dreams and some respite from this present desert in their sleep.
And Always Remember, those hymns those ancient Warriors carried close to their hearts during the heat of the battle,
>> "A Distracted Man is a Dead Man....." <<
I have only ever shared this with male friends who I've felt have the promise and potential to better themselves. Otherwise people here mostly rely on what their collective taxes and law enforcement can afford them to call upon the services of real men who put their lives in the line for them. It is sad how the Role of Men, Character building, Social responsibilities and Self Improvement have become trivial options with such pervading immorality and this baffling attitude.
Blessings & Best Regards.
Jai Krishna Ponnappan