Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts

Feminism That Is Post-Colonial, Transnational, And Global.

Feminist thought has grown increasingly international, much as commerce, technology, communication, and politics have. 


For feminist theory, globalization presents both problems and opportunities. 

Meetings of cultures are always educational, even if they may be confrontational at times. 

As feminism becomes more global, feminists must strive to balance efforts to advocate for all women with tolerance for and understanding of cultural diversity. 

Because of strongly entrenched ideas and practices regarding women and their position in certain cultures, reconciliation is often difficult. 

When critiquing cultures other than their own, feminists must use caution, yet this is one of the responsibilities of global feminism. 

But, more importantly, criticism is never enough. 

Global feminism aims to strengthen bonds amongst women all over the globe via shared political commitments to social change. 

Susan Moller Okin once said that, just as academic feminists and academic feminist theory began to emphasize women's differences, as we saw with third wave feminism, women's activists all over the globe began to seek links between women. 

These activists saw connections among women and parallels in oppression as a foundation for coalitional politics to advocate for all women's human rights. 

Global feminists recognize women's diversity in terms of class, culture, religion, and ethnicity, but also identify common ground for political action. 

This is coalitional politics at its finest. 

Women all around the globe, according to Okin, need assistance from Western feminists and the international community as a whole. 

A global feminism must be capable of both identifying grounds for collective action to protect women's human rights and condemning damaging cultural practices, even within one's own society. 

But, more significantly, global feminism and transnational feminism deconstruct the traditional aid trajectory, warning against models or ideas that place the ‘two-thirds world' in need of help from the ‘one-third world.' These theories ignore the agency and power of women and men in underdeveloped countries. 

The phrases "two-thirds world" and "one-third world" clearly depict the relationship between those who "have" and those who "don't." Industrialized nations are home to just a small percentage of the world's population. 

The Global South, often known as the Third World or less developed nations, is home to two-thirds of the world's population. 

However, these words are divisive. 

In the middle of first-world grandeur, one may live in "third-world circumstances." Furthermore, using the term "developed" to describe industrialization implies a uniquely Western concept of development. 

For these reasons, transnational and global feminists and other activists working for a more equitable distribution of the world's resources sometimes use the one-third/two-third terminology, or use other terminology with political consciousness, infusing new meaning into old concepts such as "Third World." 

Building connections between feminist and other women's organizations is a political effort that requires no shared experience or identity. 

Human rights, coalition or solidarity, and empowerment are key ideas in global feminist philosophy. 

Human rights are everyone's fundamental rights, and they typically contain both positive and negative rights. 

Positive rights are entitlements to something, such as the right to leisure time, a good job, a fair pay, and safe working conditions. 

Negative rights are safeguards such as the right not to have one's property seized by the state unfairly or arbitrarily, the right to practice one's religion freely as long as it does not infringe on others' fundamental rights, and the right not to be tortured. 

Solidarity is defined as a group of individuals coming together to achieve a shared objective. 

It necessitates commitments to both the objective and to those who share that commitment. 

Coalitions, in a similar manner, are linkages between and among individuals or organizations for political purposes. 

These ideas are used by global feminists to show the links between women's organizations beyond country boundaries and language barriers. 

They demonstrate the good force that comes from collaborating for a shared goal, even if ideological disagreements exist. 

In feminist theory, empowerment refers to a person's or a group's recognition of their own power. 

This is the ability to change oneself or a group, and it often extends to changing the lives of others, social institutions, and society as a whole. 

When individuals feel oppressed, they often fail to see their own strength. 

The process of emancipation is also a process of empowerment, as it frees oneself from the shackles that prevent one from recognizing and acting on one's own strength. 

Global feminism examines problems that impact women across the world or from a global standpoint. 

That is, certain problems, such as sex and gender-based harassment and violence, seem to impact women all over the globe. 

Consumption, for example, necessitates a global view with a female awareness. 

Third-wave feminists believe that buying and selling goods is a political act. 

By examining the impact of purchases on women and children all across the world, global feminists make that political goal worldwide. 

Human rights, as I have said, are one of the most important aspects of global feminism. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) of the United Nations is the most comprehensive and generally recognized statement of human rights, although it is far from universal in reality. 

The paper has piqued the attention of many feminists across the world. 

They point out that many societies still do not see women as fully human, much alone legal people deserving of protection. 

The declaration itself makes just a passing reference to gender and makes no mention of sex-based human rights abuses. 

Global feminists propose particular methods for extending women's human rights, including as gaining full legal status for women and amending existing human rights standards to account for sex and gender-based abuses. 

The terms "global feminism" and "transnational feminism" are often used interchangeably. 

Nonetheless, there is a clear distinction between the two. 

Feminism that crosses national boundaries is known as transnational feminism. 

It does not, however, have to address global issues, though it may do so. 

When women in a developed country collaborate with women in a developing country to provide opportunities for women and exchange information and expertise, this is an example of transnational feminism. 

For example, Norwegian women's organizations have collaborated with Thai women's organizations to attempt to stop the flow of human trafficking from Thailand to Norway. 

They do this in a variety of ways, including providing grants to university women's centers, providing loans to women's co-operatives to help them support and sustain alternative sources of income, and funding the establishment of programs to educate people about the true intentions of recruiters who come to villages looking for domestic workers for the city. 

However, international feminism cannot be a one-way street. 

Thailand's women's organizations must likewise strive to educate Norwegian women's groups. 

They must explain why certain women are more susceptible to trafficking than others due to cultural traditions and customs, as well as what kinds of alternatives will make a difference in the lives of impoverished women. 

Furthermore, whether from universities or villages, Thai women encourage Norwegian women to solve the issue of human trafficking by focusing on traffickers and consumers, johns, or those who book sex holidays in Thailand or send for mail order brides from Southeast Asia. 

In other words, Norway's task is to investigate the reasons of human trafficking from the demand side. 

This example emphasizes the importance of women working together in the fight for human rights and women's rights beyond national boundaries. 

However, cultural norms, language obstacles, and government regulations often obstruct women's organizations' capacity to collaborate. 

Global and transnational feminisms strive to respect cultures and national sovereignty while challenging sexist aspects of both. 

It's not always simple to walk this line. Often, one must first address issues in one's own nation before being trusted by women's organizations in another country. 

If the United States' policies have a direct and negative effect on women in El Salvador, for example, women's organizations in the United States must alter US government policy before they can fully engage in social change with women in El Salvador. 

Trust, as well as bravery and honesty, are on the line. 

Just as one must face one's own sexism before condemning the sexism of others on a personal level, one must confront those factors in one's country that lead to sexist discrimination or violence before or while criticizing others. 

Postcolonial feminism and Third World feminism are two more approaches to feminism with issues and followers that transcend borders or span the world. 

Insofar as they pay attention to the issues and variety of race, class, culture, country, ethnicity, and religion, as well as sex, they have a lot in common with global feminism and transnational feminism. 

In that sense, these feminisms are often lumped together or referred to in the same way. 

Third-world feminism has its own set of theoretical features. 

Many of the issues that less developed nations face may be traced back to colonial history, according to postcolonial feminism. 

Colonialism robbed not just of natural riches, but also of civilizations, educational systems, racial and gender relations ideas, and languages. 

Within this framework, postcolonial feminism examines sexist ideas and behaviors. 

Postcolonial feminists come in all shapes and sizes. 

They might live in one of the former colonies, Europe, or America. 

They may be descendants of colonists or colonized. 

Regardless, the history of colonialism and its long-term consequences serves as their analytical framework. 

Of course, colonialism did not affect every colony in the same manner. 

Imperialist governments handled the peoples of the countries they conquered in a variety of ways. 

This range of experience is also essential when considering postcolonial feminism. 

Many postcolonial feminists detect traces of colonialism in other feminists' universalizing statements. 

When first and second wave feminists, for example, argued based on oppression in women's common experience, they disregarded or missed the many ways in which women did not and do not share comparable experiences. 

Some feminist schools of thought and initiatives, according to postcolonial feminists, replicate dominant relations or reinscribe oppressive identities. 

When feminists impose Western liberation ideals on the two-thirds globe, they are engaging in a kind of neocolonialism that replicates colonialism's historical experience by attempting to make the "colony" more like them. 

Although political takeover of land as a form of colonialism is mostly a thing of the past, postcolonial theorists are targeting a new kind of colonialism. 

Through business methods, hegemonic culture, worker exploitation, and the replacement of traditional crafts, multinational companies and transnational enterprises, mainly based in Western countries, bring their own colonial impact. 

Unlike traditional forms of colonialism, which involved the colonizer assuming the privilege of ruling in the colony, neocolonialism rules indirectly through the power it creates and enjoys by bringing manufacturing jobs to a region or providing consumer goods to a people – often Western-inspired consumer goods. 

Old-style colonialism often murdered or dispossessed indigenous peoples; new-style colonialism impoverishes countries by inundating them with Western values, goods, or aspirations. 

When sexist oppression exists, both types of colonialism become apparent feminist issues, but postcolonial feminists believe that there are significant links between sexism and racism, colonialism, classism, heterosexism, ecological injustice, and other kinds of oppression. 

Despite the fact that postcolonial feminist liberation tactics involve recognizing variations across peoples and experiences, oppression analyses may be grouped together under the same umbrella structure. 

They highlight that oppressed peoples' identities and experiences are shaped by their history of colonialism and oppression, and that various kinds of oppression often overlap to influence social life. 

Third World feminists, in a similar spirit, fight racism, sexism, colonialism, and imperialism by stressing strength and resistance in the face of dominant culture. 

Third World feminists identify their places as ‘Third World' to highlight the circumstances of poverty, exploitation, and marginalization that may be experienced anywhere one lives, regardless of wealth or poverty. 

The term "Third World" comes from a colonial era, but it has been adopted by feminists and other activists to express political solidarity in the face of injustice. 

One important aspect of this resistance is the rejection of colonial history produced from the imperialist colonizer's point of view. 

Third-world feminists, on the other hand, propose rewriting history from the point of view and experience of colonial peoples. 

This gives history more nuance and avoids the generalizations of previous imperialists. 

Furthermore, Third World feminists lead philosophy by examining the particular struggles of survival in the daily lives of colonial and previously colonized peoples. 

Both postcolonial and Third World feminists believe that the only way to end women's oppression is for individuals and peoples to be free to create their own futures in light of their repressed histories. 

They will require independence from dominating cultures as well as imperialist countries in order to accomplish so. 

Humans create resistance communities on a daily basis, uniting them in fights for human dignity and opposition to oppressive powers. 

Human dignity necessitates economic and political self-determination, as any human rights campaigner would argue. 

Breaking away from dominant culture's imperialist influences is critical to such efforts. 

Writing is one tangible technique for resistance, in addition to those used in day-to-day survival attempts and more overt efforts for social and political change. 

Personal narrative, or creating one's own tale, has been utilized by feminists of all stripes to uncover one's own subjectivity and express agency in the face of oppressive circumstances. 

Writing is used by Third World and postcolonial feminists to claim the memory of cherished cultural traditions, colonized and brutal past, and family honor. 

In their attempts to promote women's rights and fight sexist or patriarchal institutions throughout the world, global, transnational, postcolonial, and Third World feminists address a variety of problems. 

Examining problems as linked and mutually reinforcing is an essential aspect of global feminist thought. 

In order to address the feminization of poverty, for example, problems of race and class must be addressed both locally and globally, as well as the gendered elements of poverty. 

Other problems, such as human trafficking or rape in war, may also lead to feminization of poverty and vice versa. 

The following sections address some of these problems and demonstrate the sophisticated analysis required for global women's emancipation. 



‘Absolute poverty and feminization of poverty, unemployment, increasing environmental fragility, ongoing violence against women, and the widespread exclusion of half of humanity from institutions of power and governance highlight the need to continue the search for development, peace, and security, as well as ways to ensure people-centered sustainable development. 

The involvement and leadership of the female half of humankind is critical to the search's success. 

Only a new era of international cooperation between governments and peoples based on a spirit of partnership, an equitable international social and economic environment, and a radical transformation of women and men's relationship to one of full and equal partnership will enable the world to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.'

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

You may also want to read more about Feminism and Activism here.

The Feminization Of Poverty.

More over two-thirds of the world's poor population are women. 

This fact alone should cause us to consider how poverty is a male-female problem. 

Pay disparities between men and women have a long history in industrialized countries, which may lead to more women falling into poverty. 

If a woman's salary is substantially lower than a man's and she is a single parent, she will have a much harder time providing for herself and her children than a guy in a comparable position. 

In developing countries, women's social standing may have a role in their economic position. 

Sociologists and economists have also provided compelling evidence that women are more prone than males to sacrifice their personal well-being for the sake of their family. 

When it comes to distributing assistance to low-income households, this insight is critical. 

If males are more inclined to accept help and spend it on themselves rather than their families, or if women are more likely to utilize aid to benefit their families, development support should be directed at women and female heads of households. 

The issue is that there are frequently deep-seated gender prejudices against women as family financial managers. 

These shifts are reflected in the phrase "feminization of poverty," coined by Diana Pearce in the late 1970s. 

Poverty has grown increasingly feminine, as the term suggests. 

That means, among other things, that the majority of people in poverty are women, that the gap between the number of men and women in poverty has widened, that more female-headed households already in poverty are finding it difficult to escape, and that the effects of poverty are felt more strongly by women and children than by men. 

The feminization of poverty necessitates a fresh perspective on poverty problems. 

The notion necessitates an examination of the kinds and causes of social disparities based on gender in addition to the causes and effects of poverty. 

Gender prejudices, uneven earnings, and family responsibilities make it harder for women to escape poverty. 

Other reasons include the disparity in education and healthcare between men and women. 

Women are less likely to be able to get excellent employment with sustainable pay if they have poor education, lack training or opportunities for development, and have increasing household obligations. 

Furthermore, culturally sanctioned gender discrimination may prevent women from ever applying for certain professions. 

There may be extra variables in certain impoverished areas of the globe. 

Girls may be kept out of school so that a family's male offspring may go to school. 

Girls may be forced – or even sold – into different kinds of indentured servitude or slavery, unable to flee for their own or their families' safety. 

Girls and women are exploited all throughout the globe, which adds to the feminization of poverty. 

Legal and cultural obstacles that prevent women from owning property, such as when inheritance is handed to the eldest surviving male relative, may also make it more difficult for women to escape poverty. 

A widow may find herself at the mercy of a brother-in-law, nephew, or even her own kid if her spouse dies. 

In certain societies, social services, such as social security or welfare, are not as readily available to women as they are to males. 

Healthcare may also be an almost insurmountable barrier to a woman's capacity to overcome poverty. 

For example, state-funded healthcare may not always meet gender-specific demands, and medical aid may lack the resources to meet the unique needs of women's health. 

Consider the cost and availability of birth contraception for low-income women. 

Even if the state or a charity organization provides some basic healthcare, a woman in poverty may find it more difficult to get basic hygienic supplies. 

Recognizing the gender aspects of poverty is a critical first step toward transformation. 

Proposals for alleviating poverty for women have been proposed by global feminists from a range of schools of thought and cultural traditions. 

The United Nations Fourth World Congress on Women, convened in Beijing in 1995, is one of the clearest instances of coalitional politics in action. 

Women and women's organizations from across the globe gathered to address what they saw as the most urgent problems facing women. 

The most common form of violence against women was prevalent at the time, but the feminization of poverty was also discussed. 

The ‘Beijing Platform for Action,' released during the conference, calls on the international community to make substantial reforms to address many of the issues that women confront throughout the globe. 

The Platform for Action on Poverty called for legal measures to ensure gender equality, macro- and microeconomic reforms to address the many ways women and children face poverty, peace and security to help stabilize economic systems, and recognition of the paid and unpaid contributions women make to the economy. 

Microcredit or microlending has been extremely successful in Bangladesh and received worldwide notice when Muhammad Yunus, the creator of the Grameen Bank, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. 

Microlending is a kind of community lending that offers modest loans to assist women establish companies. 

Many women have been able to lift themselves, their families, and their communities out of poverty with very modest sums of money. 

While these and other recommendations from the Platform for Action in particular, as well as global feminists in general, have resulted in significant advances for women, the reality represented by the term "feminization of poverty" persists.

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

You may also want to read more about Feminism and Activism here.

Third Wave Of Feminism

Third wave feminism owes a lot to first and second wave feminism; it assumes a lot of the same problems and adds a fresh layer of feminist critique. 

Drawing on postmodernism and deconstruction, some third-wave feminists reject ‘theory' as being too totalizing or universalizing. 

  • Theory may be substituted with narratives or new forms of writing, but the goal for these feminists is to shake up some of the metaphysical concepts that theory is based on, such as the term "woman." 
  • Other third-wave feminists are open to new theories and approaches to feminism. 

Not everyone who identifies as a third wave feminist agrees on the topics, issues, and methodologies that best advance the feminist cause, just as not everyone who identifies as a second wave feminist agrees on the topics, issues, and methodologies that best advance the feminist cause. 

Not every feminist I discuss using this thematic approach to the waves would necessarily embrace any particular ‘wave' designation. 

Despite this, there are some common themes. I utilize the theme arrangement to look at third-wave feminist explanations of consciousness and language structures, as well as some new social change tactics. 

Third wave feminism, like the first and second waves, makes innovative use of culture to further the feminist cause.

Here are some of the defining aspects of third wave feminism(Click through to learn in more detail):

  1. A Feminist Approach, Methodology Or Technique?
  2. Feminist Epistemology And Feminist Scientific Philosophy.
  3. Feminist Language.
  4. The Sex Vs. Gender Debate!
  5. Feminism Theorizing About Queer Human Beings 
  6. Objectification Of Women's Images And Depiction In Mainstream Media Pop Culture
  7. Ecofeminism And Birth Of Ecofeminists
  8. Feminism And Disability Rights
  9. Poverty, Women, And Youth Culture

You may also want to read more about Feminism and Activism here.

Third Wave Of Feminism - Feminist Language

The ability of language to influence reality – or at least how we think about reality – has been recognized by theorists from a variety of fields. Feminists are no different. 

Overtly sexist, inadvertently patriarchal, or symbolically hegemonic language are all possibilities. 

  • Some liberal and socialist feminists have advocated for reforms in public language to promote gender neutrality and non-discrimination, while postmodern feminists have proposed l'écriture féminine – feminine writing – and new forms of linguistic logic to counter phallocentrism. 
  • Other feminist schools of thought provide their own analyses and suggestions for combating sexism in language and thinking. 
  • Overtly sexist language is pretty simple to spot, but the issue is that some sexist language has been reappropriated for various purposes in situations where the meaning has been altered. 

Consider the term "pimp." A pimp is a person who exploits and often abuses women, men, and children by selling them as prostitutes, which is a behavior that all feminists oppose. 

  • In recent years, however, the term "pimp" has taken on new connotations. 
  • It's used to describe vehicle upgrades and as a stand-in for anything "amazing" or "great" (two words that also have multiple slang meanings). 
  • Is every usage of the term pimp linked to sexist exploitation, or can it have neutral or mild connotations? 

Adjectives used to describe male and female youngsters are another example of blatantly sexist language. 

  • Girls are delicate, gentle, pleasant, quiet, and lovely. Boys are energetic, powerful, rugged, and serious. 
  • Adult females are often addressed as ‘Miss' or ‘Mrs,' depending on their marital status, while adult males are addressed simply as ‘Mr.' Masculine and female professions have different names, with the feminine being a diminutive of the male, as in actress/actor, waitress/waiter, and stewardess/steward. 
  • Many of these diminutives are becoming obsolete as a result of the work of feminist campaigners. 
  • The use of masculine pronouns to describe a member of a historically male-dominated industry, such as "A professor constantly has his scholarship on his mind," is an example of unintentionally patriarchal language. 
  • When the sex of the subject is unknown, the apparent gender neutrality of using the pronoun "he" reflects the patriarchal social connections of the time. 

Changing gender dynamics in mainly male professions necessitates a shift in how we refer to such professions. 

  • Patronymic names, which follow the father's line, are common and frequently represent a lengthy series of dads and sons, such as the name "Johnson," which derives from "John's son." 
  • The grammatical patterns of queries asked to women vs those posed to males may also be shown to be inadvertently patriarchal. 

For example, Jean-Jacques Rousseau recommends asking boys and girls two distinct kinds of questions on moral behavior. 

  • The good of an action is questioned of boys, whereas the impact of an action is asked of females. 
  • This may seem harmless, but when we consider that Rousseau prioritizes the intentions of moral acts above the results, the many questions indicate a perception of women's inferiority. 

Postmodern feminists believe that language is hegemonic, dominating, or phallocentric/phallogocentric as a symbolic system. 

According to Jacques Lacan (1901–1981), society maintains itself via the 'Symbolic Order,' which consists of rituals and signals. 

Language is used to teach this Symbolic Order. 

  • In other words, language teaches us how to function in society, what roles are acceptable for us, and who we are. 
  • Luce Irigaray, on the other hand, claims that the Symbolic Order is phallocentric, that it is a male order, and that women appear in it as the'masculine feminine' or women-as-men-understand-women-to-be. 
  • Looking to Lacan's evolutionary stage previous to the Symbolic Order, the Imaginary, Irigaray argues for a liberation from phallocentrism and the Symbolic Order. 
    • She argues for the development of a female language that is based on feminine sexual pleasure rather than objectivity as a goal. 
    • In her work, This Sex Which is Not One, Irigaray challenges the singularity of phallocentric thinking by using the metaphor of female sexual pleasure and the diversity of female sexual organs. 
    • Her book's title alone tells something about her project: this is a sex that isn't "one." Hélène Cixous, a postmodern feminist, proposed a concept of feminine writing, or writing women's bodies, based on the logic of plurality and fluidity as it relates to women's embodiment and sexuality. 

Female writing is non-linear and unafraid of inconsistency. 

  • It opposes the male hegemonic notion of language and logic, in other words. 
  • There are a variety of approaches to confronting and altering sexist language. 
  • The most frequent methods include using gender-neutral language and avoiding sexist language, although some feminist linguists have also looked at women's communication habits or patterns. 

Women, for example, often add a tag question to declarative statements, while men prefer to say things more authoritatively,

For example, woman: ‘The economy is extremely terrible today, isn't it?' vs. man: ‘The economy is horrible'. 

  • This may be attributable in part to the similar trend that Carol Gilligan saw in the evolution of care ethics. 
  • Men may be expressing their knowledge claims and faking impartiality while women are trying to establish and sustain connections. 
  • Avoiding the tag question or other kinds of hedging in communication settings may be one method for women to demonstrate their assertiveness and authority. 

Feminists have already had a profound impact on language and reality, and we have every reason to think they will continue to do so in innovative and exciting ways.

You may also want to read more about Feminism and Activism here.

THE SOCIAL DYNAMICS OF 'UNFRIENDED': They don't teach street in schools


This is a comment in response to an interesting infographic and article I read on the Huffingtonpost,

         I was reflecting on 2011, my relationships in particular. I wanted to share this….. It doesn’t matter if you are a child, an adolescent or a grown man, else where in the world there is no 911, no justice, real safety or effective law and plenty of corruption instead of cops and courts, all sorts of hate you can’t imagine but you have to imagine it and feel it before it arrives.. just to be able to survive and stay ahead of the game. Apart from exacting needed or loving justice, Anger that owns, consumes and controls is pretty much self defeating, useless and meaningless; an ugly thing that feeds of the mind and the heart that it dwells and preys upon. I personally feel that by relieving someone of the object of their anger, prejudice or hate, I’m doing them a big favor, saving them their precious energy and time. As nice as I’ve tried to be and have always been to my true friends and acquaintances, life has toughened around my soft interiors. But I’m glad that I did my best this year to shrink my fb block list, sadly it’s seen as many names as my friend list perhaps even more and I do overview it from time to time.

I state this without conceit but with honesty and sincere transparency, this year I have been resolute, kind and as understanding as possible to those who have been more irrational to me beyond hate. I thank God for that. At times I worry about the emotional health of those who engage in hate. To be entirely honest like my family and my close friends already know, hate, it doesn't really affect me, I guess I’m sort of immune to it, used to it and I understand it all too well. Trust me, this, what you see in the article above is nothing, this here is like paradise, a piece of cake and a glass of wine, a gentle slap on the face like a fly that flies away…..The world is volatility and turbulence personified, like I said things you can’t imagine. And So,


Don't worry about it, grow and cull your lists if you have to. The old facts of life still apply :)

" Life is all about quality and not quantity. Value it in yourselves and others. It takes time, patience and hard lessons to recognize, realize, rethink, reprioritize and redefine yourself both inside and out. "

Jai Krishna Ponnappan :)
